This also makes it seem very simplistic, as it doesn't have a lot of words but makes it easier to understand. However, the letters are all in different sizes and font which makes each story/ photo stand out in its own way to make everything seem a lot more interesting.
In the bottom right corner there's an advert for a subscription to the magazine with pictures of other front covers and offers. This is also seen on the Kerrang magazine so I know that this is a popular thing to include in my own.
The fact that the page numbers are easy to see makes it simpler for the reader to find the story they're looking for, so I know that this could be a keen feature for my own.
The title of the contents isn't 'contents' it's more creative saying, 'INSIDE THIS WEEK' which is relevant, as well as in bold capitals making it more striking towards the reader.
Furthermore, under the title of the contents is the date that the magazine leads up to until the next one is released; which is an important factor, to inform the reader when the next issue is available.
In addition, there is also a chance to 'WIN!' a competition to meet a band which is a another attractive factor for the reader as they can get involved with bands that they like. I will use this on my own in order to make mine more exciting for the reader.
An example of a college contents page...

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