Thursday 21 March 2013

Finished Double Page Spread

The image of Mike singing alone is the main image, as the whole article is about him going solo; so this fits in well with the story. The other images also fit in well with the article as it's about him going around Liverpool, and as they were taken in different parts of the city it also fits in very well. I also used the same effect on the images to make them all seem quite similar with their colours.

The headline 'TOOK TO THE ROAD' is the biggest writing on the page and in bold, in order to make it stand out more than anything else. The caption of the title however, is what actually explains what the article is going to be about. I also wrote the caption in a different font to make it seem more interesting; as well as making the 'author' of the article's name in red, to make them stand out towards their reader.

My article is in 3 columns which spread across the bottom of the page, which I think makes it look more professional. The start of the article also has the letter 'A' in a bigger size and colour than the rest of the article as this is popular among magazines to do; and by  including this in my own it makes it seem even more professional. I also made the question that AMP asks the artist in bold as this is also a popular thing for other magazines to do, and it makes a different section of the article stand out which would draw the viewers eye more.

Underneath the images I wrote names of people that 'had taken the images' because, it is more information for the audience to see and makes it look more interesting.
I also placed the date and page in the bottom left hand corner as this is also popular, and ensures that my house style is consistent. By making the page number in bold it makes it stand out towards the reader, and informs the reader where they actually are in the magazine.

In a corner of each image, there is a small red box with a small quote in it from the authors of the magazine. I got this idea from an NME article because, I think it's a good idea and adds more to the page to make it even more interesting for the audience.

Furthermore, the pull quote I used, 'I WANT TO BE AS FAMOUS AS MICHAEL JACKSON' is there to make the article stand out, and to make the reader want to find out more about the artist. I also placed it in the corner of the main image to make it more central to attract peoples eyes, and because it is easy to read on the clear background and fills in the gap that was there.

I have placed a line down the centre of the double page, to show where the crease would be. I know that images are popularly placed in the centre of double page spreads in magazines, such as NME so I knew it was acceptable to allow the page to crease on the image.
However, they do not usually crease on the words of the article, so I had to make sure that no words would be effected by it.

Finished Contents Page

I chose the title 'WHATS HAPPENING THIS WEEK' because it's a lot more interesting that simply, 'Contents'. The font is also the same as the front cover masthead to keep the house style going.
I also placed the date at the side of the title as most other magazines put their dates there so I know it is a popular thing to do.

My main image is of a gig, which goes well with the story to 'WIN GIG TICKETS' so I thought it was an appropriate image. I also created a sort of sticker which I have placed at the side of the image which says 'WIN!' and the fact it's on a slant makes it look even more like a sticker. To create the circle affect I placed 3 circles on top of each other to make it look like it has a black ring on the outer section; And by making the circle predominately red it makes it stand out more.

The captions of each image are written in both bold writing and normal writing in order to make the main story stand out towards the reader; and make the page seem more interesting.

On each image I placed a white triangle shape in order to create the effect that the corners of the images had been snipped off. This was so that I could place the page numbers close enough to the images that the audiences knew which page number was for which artist. By making the numbers red it also makes them stand out more because this is an eye catching colour.

The subscription section in the bottom left corner is popular among most music magazines, so I felt it was mandatory for me to have one myself. By making the shape it is written in red, ensures that it is one of the most attractive aspects of the page. This is important to a magazine as ensuring that their audience continues purchasing their product is essential. I also certain words colours in order to make them stand out even more to the reader.

I also used faint lines to separate the different sections to make it more simplistic for the reader to understand.

Finished Front Cover

I decided to call my music magazine 'AMP' which stands for 'Alternative Music Press' (which is written in the letters). I put the name in the top left hand corner because this is where people commonly read from so it is the first thing that people notice; and I've also made it the largest writing on the page in order to make it stand out even more. Also, the fact that the title is in bold makes it stand out even more.

In the very top left hand corner above the masthead, I placed the date and the price in very small font size to ensure it doesn't attract too much attention. 
I also placed the website for 'AMP' underneath the masthead.

The stories I placed around the sides of the image are inspired from other magazine such as NME which is my main inspiration. By using different fonts and sizes for specific parts ensures that the main attractions stand out more than anything; as well as making more variety to attract the audience.

By making the 'MIKE SMITH' larger than the other artist names informs the reader that this is the main story in the magazine, which also relates it to the front cover image. To make the shadow affect on the 'MIKE SMITH' I layered two different ones on top of each other, making sure the black one was underneath for the shadow affect. 

I also placed a bar code in the bottom left hand corner, because this is where they are commonly found when comparing to other music magazines.

My house style colours are red, black, yellow and white. This is because it makes certain parts stand out more than others to show the reader these are the more attractive part of the magazine. I also had to choose carefully where to place certain colours as if they were placed wrongly, it would have been difficult to read certain parts so it makes it more clear for the audience to read. Another reason I chose these colours is because, when looking at other magazines it's clear that these are attractive colours; as mainly red and yellow are eye catching.

Friday 8 March 2013

Magazine Front Cover Progress

In the first lesson of beginning my front cover, I got to this stage of having placed my image on, having the name of the magazine on (Alternative Music Press), and the name of my artist and the caption.
To do this I had to change the colour of the writing by using a fill effect, and had to go onto a font website to find certain styles.
I also had to use the 'magic wand' in order to fix certain fonts that I had imported from the font website.
I now know how to add the type of typography and the font style I want to use which will help me make my other pages at a quicker pace.

I then added the date of the magazine, the price and the website name. I added the date and price to the top left because, I didn't want them to take too much attention away from the magazine; and I put the website under the masthead because this is where they're usually found.
I also placed my barcode in the bottom left as this is typical of most other magazines.

After I had done this, alls that was left was the story's for what could be found inside. I ensured that different fonts in both bold and normal writing was used, to make it more variable.  I also made different words or phrases different colours to make certain parts stand out more than others. I did this because, most magazines choose to make all of the writing different because it makes the magazine appear more interesting and appealing.      

Wednesday 6 March 2013

My Images

My front cover image

I'm using this for my main image. It shows the artist looking at the camera to create a direct interest with the audience, and fits in well with what other magazines do.
The fact that my article is about him going solo, and the angle I have used is a high angle represents how he is now along and possibly overwhelmed. His facial expression is quite worried, which shows how he may be scared to be on own.
The outfit he is wearing is also casual, as alternative performers tend to wear quite normal outfits that aren't too eccentric.
In addition, I have used a brick wall for the background to make it seem simplistic, and to show how the artist is now 'on his own in the world' as it seems.

Main double page image

This picture shows him performing.
He is still wearing casual clothing, but no jacket to intend that performing can be overheating.
He also has a microphone and guitar as props to intend that it's a live performance an he makes his own acoustic music.
In addition, the fact that his eyes are close represents how he could be performing an emotional song that could mean a lot to him.

Other double page spread images

These images show my artist around Liverpool, as my article is about him returning home to begin his Uk tour so he wanted to look around before he had to leave. 
All of my double page spread images have the same image effect on them to make them all seem connected and more similar; to  make the pages look better.

My contents page images

 I have used a close up here to see just the artist face, as the cheeky expression should represent what the person is actually like. The simple use of the hat makes it seem more glamorous as well as a lot more interesting.
I've took this image while I was in a crowd to create the feeling that other who look at it are at a 'gig'. I will use this image for a 'competition' for the audience to win themselves some gig tickets for certain artists.
I took this image of Example while at one of his gigs so I will use this to write about him on his Uk tour.
This image is a direct image as the artist is looking directly at the camera. The use of the telephone box makes it seem more professional and because I have used this I will make the artist a 'Londoner' as this is where they're most compared to.
I have used a low angle for this image as we can clearly see that this artist is most likely a rock or metal artist, as the skull in the background makes him seem 'darker'. I have also put it in black and white because of the use of the skull as this is the actual colour of the skull so it's all darker looking.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Image lists

Actors I'm using

Michael Smith
Joel Carey
Megan Lacey
Arnes Ramic
Adam Franklin

Props I'm using

Acoustic guitar
Telephone box

I'm using these props because they all represent the alternative look I'm trying to create. The acoustic guitar is popular among alternative performers so this is why I feel it's necessary to include it; and the microphone is to show my actor 'performing'. I'm also using a skateboard because these are seen as quite 'indie'; as well as telephone boxes because they are quite old fashioned and help create an alternative vibe.

Costume's I'm using

Coat/ leather jacket

Im using simple clothing because alternative performers tend to wear quite casual clothes. The fact that it also makes them appear less glamorous represents the 'alternative' look they're going for, and the music that they also perform.

Mood Board

My magazine will be based on alternative music so the bands I have chosen for my mood board fit in well with this genre. I have also used records because they are quite 'indie' as well as the acoustic guitar because they are quite frequently used.

Friday 1 March 2013

Font Types

This is the type of text fonts that I wouldn't use for my magazine because it doesn't look professional. It is also difficult to read in some cases which means my audience wouldn't be able to read exactly what I have written; making my work pointless. In addiction, it's quite childish and would mean that my audience might not take certain things too serious.

This is the type of text fonts that I would use, because they do look professional. They are easy to read so my audience can understand exactly what I have written. It also looks quite professional, and because there are lots of different ones to choose from, it means that the magazine will not look boring as it will have variety.


Looking at other magazines it's obvious that red and yellow are popular colours used, based on the fact that they are eye catching.

For this reason I will definitely use red and yellow somewhere on my front cover in order to make mine look eye catching, as well as more realistic and professional.

My paint pallet will include the colours black, white, red, yellow and possibly blue; because magazines tend to use no more than five colours on their covers so that it's not exceptionally chaotic.

My masthead will probably include the colour red, as this means it will stand out more, and people will be able to recognise it easier. I may also make other main titles red as well as this means they will also stand out from the rest of the text.

This is the type of colours I would like to use and possibly where I will use them. It is also the font size I intent to use, ensuring that the masthead has the largest writing to show that this is the most important part of the magazine.