Thursday 21 March 2013

Finished Double Page Spread

The image of Mike singing alone is the main image, as the whole article is about him going solo; so this fits in well with the story. The other images also fit in well with the article as it's about him going around Liverpool, and as they were taken in different parts of the city it also fits in very well. I also used the same effect on the images to make them all seem quite similar with their colours.

The headline 'TOOK TO THE ROAD' is the biggest writing on the page and in bold, in order to make it stand out more than anything else. The caption of the title however, is what actually explains what the article is going to be about. I also wrote the caption in a different font to make it seem more interesting; as well as making the 'author' of the article's name in red, to make them stand out towards their reader.

My article is in 3 columns which spread across the bottom of the page, which I think makes it look more professional. The start of the article also has the letter 'A' in a bigger size and colour than the rest of the article as this is popular among magazines to do; and by  including this in my own it makes it seem even more professional. I also made the question that AMP asks the artist in bold as this is also a popular thing for other magazines to do, and it makes a different section of the article stand out which would draw the viewers eye more.

Underneath the images I wrote names of people that 'had taken the images' because, it is more information for the audience to see and makes it look more interesting.
I also placed the date and page in the bottom left hand corner as this is also popular, and ensures that my house style is consistent. By making the page number in bold it makes it stand out towards the reader, and informs the reader where they actually are in the magazine.

In a corner of each image, there is a small red box with a small quote in it from the authors of the magazine. I got this idea from an NME article because, I think it's a good idea and adds more to the page to make it even more interesting for the audience.

Furthermore, the pull quote I used, 'I WANT TO BE AS FAMOUS AS MICHAEL JACKSON' is there to make the article stand out, and to make the reader want to find out more about the artist. I also placed it in the corner of the main image to make it more central to attract peoples eyes, and because it is easy to read on the clear background and fills in the gap that was there.

I have placed a line down the centre of the double page, to show where the crease would be. I know that images are popularly placed in the centre of double page spreads in magazines, such as NME so I knew it was acceptable to allow the page to crease on the image.
However, they do not usually crease on the words of the article, so I had to make sure that no words would be effected by it.

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