Tuesday 5 March 2013

Image lists

Actors I'm using

Michael Smith
Joel Carey
Megan Lacey
Arnes Ramic
Adam Franklin

Props I'm using

Acoustic guitar
Telephone box

I'm using these props because they all represent the alternative look I'm trying to create. The acoustic guitar is popular among alternative performers so this is why I feel it's necessary to include it; and the microphone is to show my actor 'performing'. I'm also using a skateboard because these are seen as quite 'indie'; as well as telephone boxes because they are quite old fashioned and help create an alternative vibe.

Costume's I'm using

Coat/ leather jacket

Im using simple clothing because alternative performers tend to wear quite casual clothes. The fact that it also makes them appear less glamorous represents the 'alternative' look they're going for, and the music that they also perform.

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