Friday 1 March 2013


Looking at other magazines it's obvious that red and yellow are popular colours used, based on the fact that they are eye catching.

For this reason I will definitely use red and yellow somewhere on my front cover in order to make mine look eye catching, as well as more realistic and professional.

My paint pallet will include the colours black, white, red, yellow and possibly blue; because magazines tend to use no more than five colours on their covers so that it's not exceptionally chaotic.

My masthead will probably include the colour red, as this means it will stand out more, and people will be able to recognise it easier. I may also make other main titles red as well as this means they will also stand out from the rest of the text.

This is the type of colours I would like to use and possibly where I will use them. It is also the font size I intent to use, ensuring that the masthead has the largest writing to show that this is the most important part of the magazine.

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